We encourage all children to wear uniform.
We firmly believe that wearing a school uniform gives children a sense of belonging and pride in our school. Although not compulsory, we recommend that children wear school uniform, and have therefore endeavored to make it as cost effective and practical as possible.
Our school uniform consists of:
Red school sweatshirt or cardigan (this can have the school logo, or can be plain red)
Plain grey or black trousers, skirt or pinafore
White or red school polo shirt or shirt (this can have the school logo, or can be plain white or red)
In the summer plain grey or black shorts and red gingham dresses may also be worn.
Uniform with the school logo can be ordered from My Clothing - www.myclothing.com
Uniform without the school logo can be bought from most large supermarkets and other shops.
We hold a regular second-hand uniform shop, where parents and carers are able to obtain good quality used uniform for free.
For PE children should wear:
Red or white t-shirt (this can have the school logo, or can be plain red or white)
Plain black or navy shorts
Plimsolls or trainers
Plain jogging bottoms or leggings are recommended for outdoor PE in the colder weather.
Children should wear sensible shoes to school. Trainers are not part of school uniform and some fashions, (particularly high heels) are dangerous and may cause injury when playing in the playground.
For safety reasons we do not allow the wearing of jewellery to school.
Children may wear watches and stud earrings for pierced ears. These must be removed during PE or swimming.
Name Tags
We strongly recommend that all clothing is labelled with the child's name, as our lost property box is always full!
My nametags do a lovely collection of different labels, including stick on labels, which can be used on other items other than just clothing. www.MyNametags.com. Our school code is 29107