Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and ate lots of chocolate!! I am really sad not to be in class with you today and starting our new terms work. I have popped some learning on to our page below - English and Maths and will add some history later this morning for you to keep busy with if you can.
I hope to see some of you at 9.20 on our ZOOM meeting but if you can't meet please don't worry we will just be having a quick chat about this morning learning.
Have a good day and fingers crossed the weather gets better and we will be together tomorrow.
Mrs Bateman
We are delighted to welcome you to our year 3 class page and are looking forward to sharing all our exciting work with you as the year progresses. We will update our page termly to share all the learning we have been curious about and the fun we have been having!
Spring: Term 1
In Science this term we will be investigating forces and magnets. We will be thinking about how different surfaces can effect how things move. We will also be investigating how magnets have poles which attract or repel each other and that some metals are magnetic and others are not. We will be carrying out lots of experiments to help us find out about these things and will be thinking about how scientists write really effective predictions and conclusions.
In History this term we will be spending time investigating Victorians. We will be finding out what life was like during Victorian times particularly for children. We are also going to think about the many things which were invented during this period of history and how we still use many of these creations today! As part of our learning we will also be visiting the Lincolnshire Life Museum.
Our English work will firstly be based upon the book 'Queen Victoria' produced by the V & A. Through our investigation into this book we will be writing some biographies about queen Victoria. We will also be using the book 'Pied Piper of Hamelin' written by Robert Browining to inspire us when writing our stories.
We will be developing our reading skills by working with the book 'The Street Child?' written by Berlie Doherty.
In Maths this term we shall be exploring multiplication and division further developing our knowledge of the 4 and 8 times tables. We will also be looking at measures, thinking about length including measuring using metres, centimeters and millimeters. After we are feeling confident with measuring, comparing and converting measures we will explore perimeter using our knowledge and skills.
Our PE sessions this term will be Thursdays and Fridays. Children need to attend school wearing their kit.