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Sturton by Stow Primary School

Red Arrows

Welcome to Red Arrows!

Red Arrows Class

Year 1

A massive hello and warm welcome to Red Arrows. We are a fantastic group of Year 1 children who always try our best with everything we do. We are taught by Mrs Ward on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Miss Gilpin for the rest of the week. Mrs Troop is our teaching assistant. Keep checking back for updates of the amazing learning we are doing. 

Summer - Term 2


After an incredible year so far, we have an exciting last term of the school year planned ahead! A lot of our learning is going to be based around plants and growing. 

In Red Arrows, we have lots of fantastic things planned for this term. In English, we will focus on writing narratives based around the story 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We will be reading several versions to that we can experience alternative plots and characters. 


This term our PE sessions are on a Wednesday and Thursday so we need to make sure we come dressed in our PE Kits (weather appropriate) on these days.


Find below the curriculum overview for the term as well as knowledge organisers for our Science topic of 'Plants' and our Geography topic of 'Geographical skills and field work'.




In Red Arrows we encourage children to read as much as they can at home. If you read with your child, please make a note of it in their reading record. Each week your child will have a phonics ebook assigned to them - this will be a book they will be familiar with from doing our reading sessions at school. Your child will also have a sharing book that they may not be able to read independently. This is a book they have chosen to share with people at home - you may want to read this book to them or ask questions about what is going on in the story / in the pictures. This promotes reading for pleasure.


We will also send out a sheet with our phonics learning for the week with some activities you can do with your child to help them consolidate what they have learnt. You can find an electronic copy below.

Maths Support

The links below can help support your child with their Maths learning. At school this term we are looking at numbers within 100.

Sturton by Stow Primary School