Good morning! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and I can't wait to see you to hear all about it!
Below is your work for today. There will also be a zoom where you can join me at 11:00 to explain today's work and listen to a story. At the bottom of this page there are also some links to online learning games that you might enjoy playing!
Welcome to Red Arrows! We are a fantastic group of Year 1 children. We are taught by Mrs Ward on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Mrs Smith on Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Troop is our brilliant teaching assistant! Keep checking back for updates of learning we are doing.
Spring Term 1
We are excited to welcome you back for another term in Red Arrows. We can't wait to get started and learn lots of brand new knowledge!
This term our PE sessions are on a Wednesday and Friday so please come to school dressed in your PE kit.
New reading books and phonics homework will be sent out on a Friday.
Find below the curriculum overview for the term.
Maths Support
The links below can help support your child with their Maths learning.