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Sturton by Stow Primary School


Good Morning Spitfires!! 


I hope you've had a fantastic Christmas and nice holiday! We shall be starting our Zoom at 9:40, can't wait to see you then smiley


I'll just be chatting about the work for today so please don't worry if you can not make the call. 



Any questions or help please give me an email on: 


Miss Panter x 

Welcome to Spitfires Class Page!



Welcome to Spitfires Class Page!





This term we shall be delving into the depths of the ocean, through our incredible Non-Fiction book Oceanarium by Teagan White and Loveday Trinick. We shall have the opportunity to discover new and exciting underwater creatures where we shall then carry out our own research to create some fantastic nonchronological reports on them. We shall also be inspired by Loveday’s illustrations and use water colours to illustrate our reports mimicking her style.



"Welcome to the museum that is always open to explore...

Step inside the pages of Oceanarium to enjoy the experience of a museum from the comfort of your own home. This stunning offering from the Welcome to the Museum series guides readers around the world's oceans, from sandy shorelines to the deepest depths. Get up close and personal with giant whale sharks, tiny tropical fish, majestic manatees and so much more, travel the world from frozen Arctic seas to shimmering coral reefs, and learn why it is so important that we protect our oceans.”



For our class reader we shall delving into the weird and wonderful human body through the incredible book Kay's Anatomy by Adam Kay.



  "The human body is extraordinary and fascinating and, well . . . pretty weird. Yours is weird, mine is weird, your maths teacher's is even weirder.

This book is going to tell you what's actually going on in there, and answer the really important questions, like:
Are bogeys safe to eat?
Look, if your nose is going to all that effort of creating a snack, the least we can do is check out its nutritional value. (Yes, they're safe. Chew away!)
And how much of your life will you spend on the toilet?
About a year - so bring a good book. (I recommend this one.)
So sit back, relax, put on some rubber gloves, and let a doctor take you on a poo (and puke) filled tour of your insides. Welcome to Kay's Anatomy*.

*a fancy word for your body. See, you're learning already."





In maths this term, we shall be consolidating our knowledge on the four operations of maths: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. As well as, begin our learning of all things fractions! We will use all of these processes to delve into how we can reason and problem-solve effectively.






In Science we are learning  topic 'Electricity' where we shall be learning all about static and current electricity as well as simple circuits and parallel circuits. We of course will be using our electric equipment to be creating circuits and creating an experiment of our own! 


Our P.E. lessons this term will be invasion games and gymnastics. Some of our class shall also be continuing their swimming; our swimming lessons are on a Wednesday, please remember to bring your kit.


 Our gymnastics lesson will be on a Tuesday afternoon and our invasion games lesson will be on a Wednesday afternoon, please come into school in your appropriate P.E. kit. 


Swimming kit includes: Trunks or a swimming costume, swimming hat, towel and goggles. 


Please come into school in weather appropriate P.E Kits on  Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 



To find out more about this term please take a look at this term's Knowledge Overview and Knowledge Organisers!



To find out more about this term please take a look at this term's Knowledge Overview and Knowledge Organisers!

Sturton by Stow Primary School