Our Geography curriculum at Sturton-by-Stow is structured so there is opportunity for repetition and consolidation of key concepts and geographical skills. This planned progression means children are increasingly challenged as they move through the school. We use the idea of concepts to ensure children can gain the most out of our curriculum and can see the links between the various physical and human elements of geography, including how humans interact with the world. We encourage these concepts to be taught explicitly in lessons and revisited to make meaningful and relevant connections with the real world. This is supported via our school maps, which span from a global to local scale and incorporate places that have meaning to the children.
Knowledge Organisers which encompass an overview of each geographical unit of work, are also sent home at the start of each unit, for the children to read and develop their understanding. At Sturton, geography is taught 3 of the 6 terms and is where possible linked to English texts and activities so that children are able to see an increased purpose to their learning and transfer skills between subjects. During our geography lessons we encourage teachers to take an inclusive attitude to the children’s learning to use drama and art to allow all types of learners to access our curriculum. We also encourage there to be a piece of writing developed over the term which can show the children understand and develop the links between English writing and non-core curriculum subjects.