Welcome to Vulcans Class
Vulcans class is a family of hard-working, determined and eager to learn Year 2 children. We always try our best in everything that we do and also have lots of fun along the way! We are taught by Miss Thorne and we have the fab Mrs Hatton to help us. We are also lucky to have the wonderful Mrs Bray to help us out on Tuesday afternoons. Read on to find out about what we are getting up to this term and keep your eyes peeled on our social media for regular updates!
For any questions, please send an email to Vulcans@sturton-by-stow.lincs.sch.uk and we will get back to you as soon as possible!
Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. On these days, please send your children to school in their (weather appropriate) PE kit for the whole day.
Summer Term 2
This term, we will be learning all about the world and what makes it go round. In Maths, we will be recapping all of our learning from across the year, whilst also seeing how we can apply this to problem solving scenarios. Meanwhile in English, we are going to be exploring farming and newspaper articles through our novel 'Charlotte's Web' by E. B. White and non-fiction text 'The Farm that Feeds us' by Nancy Castaldo . The idea of farming links well with our Science, where we are focusing on plants and how they grow. In Geography, we are going to be undertaking some fieldwork, investigating the jobs that help Sturton's economy to go round. In computing, we will be exploring how we can make music using technology and in DT, we will be making our paint and textiles Sturton Show piece.
During our English lessons, we are going to be exploring the idea of newspaper articles, using our novel 'Charlotte's Web' by E. B. White as inspiration. We will also be comparing the idea of farming presented in our story, with the reality of farming, using our book 'The Farm that Feeds us' by Nancy Castaldo to help us. After this, we will be examining the miracle of the web and using the book 'Science is Magic' by Steve Mould to help us to design a poster.
In our reading lessons, we will be using our class book of 'Charlotte's Web' to delve into the story, setting, author and message.
This term in Maths, we will be reviewing all of our learning from this year, including place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, position and direction, money, measurement, fractions, shape, statistics and time.