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Sturton by Stow Primary School


Welcome to Vulcans Class          

Vulcans class is a family of hard-working, determined and eager to learn Year 2 children. We always try our best in everything that we do and also have lots of fun along the way! We are taught by Mrs Forrester, while Miss Thorne is on maternity leave. We also have the fab Mrs Hatton and Mrs Troop to help us. We are also lucky to have the wonderful Mrs Bray to cover on Thursday. Read on to find out about what we are getting up to this term and keep your eyes peeled on our social media for regular updates!


For any questions, please send an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible!





Our PE days are Monday and Thursday. On these days, please send your children to school in their (weather appropriate) PE kit for the whole day. smiley

Spring Term 1 


This term, we will be doing lots and lots of learning. In maths, we will be covering money as well as multiplication and division. Meanwhile in English, we are going to be exploring the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl. In Science, we are going to be undertaking some investigation into how animal survive and what they need in order to do so. In computing, we will be building on what we know and developing our skills around online safety and spreadsheets. In art we will be exploring expression and how we can create it. We are also looking at the Titanic - the unsinkable ship, and what happened to the famous vessel.  




During our English lessons, we are going to be exploring the idea of a diary entry written by Charlie.

We will be finding out different ways to write and how we can create stories in different ways. We will also be exploring instructions and how to write down instruction based on a recipe.  


In our reading lessons, we will also be looking at this book, to further our knowledge and understanding of stories and how they make us feel and developing our vocabulary. 






This term in Maths, we will be reviewing all of our learning from the first term, including place value, addition and subtraction and then working on money and multiplication and division.



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Sturton by Stow Primary School