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Sturton by Stow Primary School


Welcome to Hurricanes class!

During our English lessons in Term 6, we will look at our new book 'Old Enough to Save the Planet', a non-fiction book that includes real stories of children doing their bit to save the earth. Whilst looking at the book, we will look at writing instructions and creating persuasive speeches. 









In Maths, we will be looking at decimals, negative numbers, volume and converting units. 
Children will use their fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills to answer questions daily. 






In Geography, we will ask, 'How green is our local area?' and head into the village to do some fieldwork. 

In Science, we will be looking at Human Growth including puberty and changes in old age.







In PSHE we will learn about First Aid and how to help in an accident or emergency. 



In P.E we will be concentrating on tennis and athletics. 

For more details about what we will be learning this term, see our termly overview here:

Sturton by Stow Primary School