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Sturton by Stow Primary School


6.1.25 - Online Learning


Good Morning! Sorry I don't get to see you in person today but I will see you for 20 minutes at 10.20 via Zoom! I have also put up our song of the day for today.

Below you will find our English, Maths, Art and Computing work that you will be able to do today.

Please let me know if you have any questions and I would love to see what you have been up to if you want to email the class email address smiley

Miss Gilpin

Gabrielle - Sunshine (Lyrics)



We are looking at factor pairs today in our Maths Lesson. Find a pdf of the slides below alongside the worksheet for today. We will go through the slides today in our zoom slot smiley

You could also have a go on times table rockstars - our focus times table this term is the 11 times table. 


This term our English lessons are going to be focused on the genre of Science Fiction (Sci Fi). The slides with the activity we were going to be completing in class today is below along with the link to the video shown on slide 3. 

Science Fiction Genre - A video compilation.

This video was created to introduce middle school students to science fiction as a genre. It was intended for educational and instructional purposes only.



This term we are going to be using the 2Logo which uses a programming language to control a turtle. I have attached the teaching slides and an activity sheet that you can complete. I have also set you a 2Do with Logo so you can have an explore on Purple Mash and get to know how to use it.  Let me know if you are not sure what your log ins are. They should be stuck in the front of your reading record smiley



This term we are going to be exploring the artist Paul Cezanne. Have a look at the information on the link below to the Bitesize website. 

You might want to create a fact file all about Paul Cezanne and his art work or create your own piece of observational art using pencil, crayons or pens. Remember it is really important to keep looking at the object that you are drawing smiley



Hello and welcome to...



We are a lovely mix of curious and passionate young learners from year 4 . We are looking forward to sharing with you all the fantastic learning that takes place in our classroom. In Lancasters, we strive to always try our best whilst having fun along the way, so please keep checking our class web page for news and updates. Our PE lessons are on a Monday and Tuesday so the children need to come into school dressed in weather appropriate kits on these days. 



Each week there will be a 10 minute session set on Times Table Rockstars. The log in details can be found on the inside of your child's reading record. On a Monday, Miss Gilpin will check your child's reading record to see that they have recorded 3 reading sessions throughout the week. These can be completed in school or at home reading with an adult or independently. 

Spring - Term 1


Hello and welcome back to term 3! We are so excited to have you back after the Christmas break and have lots of exciting learning planned. Our theme this term is 'Great Scott! It's electric!'. In English this term we will be basing our learning on the story 'Back to the Future' by Kim Smith and 'Over to You' by Roger McGough. For the first half of the term we will be recognising features of a science fiction narrative and build an idea of settings and characters. We will be developing our understanding of story structure - recognising the different stages of a story. We will continue to develop an awareness of figurative and expressive language and how it is used to build the bigger picture of a character. Later on in the term we will be focusing on poetry and writing our own metaphor poems. Our book dive books for this term are 'Everest' by Alexandra Stewart and 'Over to You' by Roger McGough.  

In History this term our learning is based around the question 'How did life differ for the different types of people within the Shang Dynasty?' We will begin this term by exploring sources, extracts and the timeline to discover about daily life for the people of the Shang Dynasty including what school life was like. We will find out about what their houses were like and about the Shang Dynasty kings. We will learn about how the Shang Dynasty ended and about the Zhou Army storming the Shang palace. We will end the term finding out about the Shang Royal burials and what was buried with them. 



In Science this term we are focusing on ‘Electricity'. We will begin the term by exploring different household items and discuss whether they need electricity to work. We will then revisit our learning from our DT topic last term and focus on building circuits. We will then identify an error in a circuit and correct them. We will learn what electrical conductors and insulators are and investigate using these within our circuits. We will also learn what switches are and use these in our circuits.  


Find below our knowledge overview for what we are doing across all the subject areas this term. 

Times Table Resources

Please find below some links to practise your times tables below:


Sturton by Stow Primary School