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Sturton by Stow Primary School

Religious Education (RE)

Our RE curriculum follows the guidance of ‘The Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus Religious Education for 2018


The concepts that we have chosen to run throughout our Religious Education curriculum are themes that we have found to underpin the Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education and the areas in which we focus on in our Sturton curriculum. They equip children to become religiously literate and able to hold balanced and informed conversations about religion and belief. Children will be able to recognise the importance of ideas, beliefs and customs of other faiths and cultures in comparison to their own.


How do they link to our school values?

  • God – This strongly links to our value of learning where we develop knowledge of what people believe about God through their sacred scriptures.
  • Being Human – This links to our value of aiming high where religious people aim to follow the teachings of their religion.
  • Community, Worship, and celebration – This concept incorporates our value of friendship and caring in the way that people express their religion and beliefs together as a community.
  • Life Journey – The concept of responsibility links very closely to Life journey and Rites of passage, we consider times when occasions are celebrated during our lives and how  people live their lives by following the teachings of their religion and showing they belong to that community and faith group.

In KS1 children learn about the above through studying Christianity and Islam.

In KS 2 children learn about the above through studying Christianity, Hinduism and Islam.

All parents and carers have the right to withdraw thier children from RE lessons. To do so, this must be put in writing and addressed to the Headteacher.

Sturton by Stow Primary School