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Sturton by Stow Primary School

Ideas for learning at home

If you find yourself away from the class for a short time. Here are some activity ideas to keep yourself engaged and focused during your time away. 
  • Spend some time exploring Purple Mash. We would love to see anything you have done! You can find your log ins stuck onto the inside cover of your reading record. 
  • Spend lots of time reading together. Discuss your favourite stories. Who was your favourite character and why? What did you like about it? Maybe you could write a book review or draw a picture of your favourite part. I have put some book chat ideas below that you might want to do. 

Questions to check comprehension of reading

Charanga Music


As part of the Remote Learning your child may like to try some music. At school we use ‘Charanga Musical School’ during some of our music lessons so your child may be familiar with this type of lesson. Charanga have opened some of the lessons for Home School Learning. To access these each child will need a username and password.

Username: is your child’s first name and surname together followed by the school initials (sbs). An example: johnsmithsbs

The password is: sturton


Please go to

Click Pupil and Teacher Log in.

From the 3 choices select the middle one - YUMU.

Then put in your user name and password

Once logged in select one of the activities at the bottom of the screen.

Sturton by Stow Primary School