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Sturton by Stow Primary School


Tornadoes Class Page


Welcome to Tornadoes class page!

We are delighted to welcome you to our year 3 class page and are looking forward to sharing all our exciting work with you as the year progresses.  We will update our page termly to share all the learning we have been curious about and the fun we have been having!




Summer: Term 1


In Science this term we will be investigating light.  We will be finding out about how light travels and how we see light.  Our investigations will reveal what materials are opaque, translucent and transparent.  We are going to enjoy conducting our experiments thinking about what equipment we will need, what our method will involve and how we will ensure we keep our tests fair! 





Our Science Knowledge Organiser below will tell you a little more about what we will be learning:



In History we will be finding out about the Stone Age to Iron Age period.  We will find out how historians have pieced together what these times in history were like, looking at different historical sources.  We will be finding out about significant aspects of these periods such as investigating Stone Henge.




Our Knowledge Organiser below shares some of the things we will be learning.




Our English work will firstly be based upon the book 'The First Drawing' written by Mordicai Gerstein. Through our investigation into this book we will be writing narrative texts which will be set in the Stone Age period. Later in the term we will be using the book 'The Poetry Chest' written by John Foster and writing some haiku poems.

We will be developing our reading skills by working with the book 'Stone Age Boy' written by Satoshi Kitamura. 







This term in maths we will working with money as a topic.  We will be exchanging, adding and subtracting amounts of money.  We will also be exlporing time, reading clock faces and problem solving with units of time.

We will be moving our times tables work over to the 8s and  practising these tables in different ways including using Times Tables Rocks.




Our PE sessions this term will be Tuesdays and Thursdays. Children need to attend school wearing their kit.

Sturton by Stow Primary School